Distance and Length Conversion

Distance and Length Conversion - Unit Convertions

Distance and Length Conversion

Distance and Length - Conversion

Distance is a numerical description of how far apart objects are. In physics or everyday usage, distance may refer to a physical length, or an estimation based on other criteria (e.g. "two counties over"). In mathematics, a distance function or metric is a generalization of the concept of physical distance. Metric and imperial length conversions for meter, centimeter, inch, foot, yard, kilometer, mile, millimeter, nautical mile and many more. The length is a metric of the one-dimensional space, is one of the fundamental metric in the International System of Units. In geometric measurements, length most commonly means the longest dimension of an object. The basic unit of length is the meter in the International System of Units (SI). The kilometer and the centimeter are also commonly used units. In U.S. customary units, English or Imperial system of units, commonly used units of length are the inch, the foot, the yard, and the mile.

Distance and Length Conversion Calculator

Convert from
Convert to
Common units
Centimeter cm
Foot ft
Inch in
Kilometer km
Meter m
Mile (US) mi
Millimeter mm
Nautical Mile Nm
Yard yd
Other units
Angstrom Å
Astronomical unit au
Attometer am
Caliber cl
Chain ch
Cloth Nail c.n.
Cloth Span c.s.
Cubit(Biblical) cub.
Cubit(Greek) cub.
Decimetre dm
Decametre dam
Exametre Em
Fathom ftm
Femtometer fm
Fingerbreadth (Biblical) fing.
Foot(US survey) ft
Furlong fur
Gigametre Gm
Handbreadth(Biblical) handb.
hectometre hm
Kiloparsec kpc
Light Year ly
Long Cubit(Biblical) l.c.
Long Reed(Biblical) l.r.
Megameter Mm
Megaparsec Mpc
Mile(US survey foot) mi
Nanometre nm
Parsec pc
Petameter Pm
Picometer pm
Pole rd
Rod rd
Terameter Tm
Common units
Centimeter cm
Foot ft
Inch in
Kilometer km
Meter m
Mile (US) mi
Millimeter mm
Nautical Mile Nm
Yard yd
Other units
Angstrom Å
Astronomical unit au
Attometer am
Caliber cl
Chain ch
Cloth Nail c.n.
Cloth Span c.s.
Cubit(Biblical) cub.
Cubit(Greek) cub.
Decimetre dm
Decametre dam
Exametre Em
Fathom ftm
Femtometer fm
Fingerbreadth (Biblical) fing.
Foot(US survey) ft
Furlong fur
Gigametre Gm
Handbreadth(Biblical) handb.
hectometre hm
Kiloparsec kpc
Light Year ly
Long Cubit(Biblical) l.c.
Long Reed(Biblical) l.r.
Megameter Mm
Megaparsec Mpc
Mile(US survey foot) mi
Nanometre nm
Parsec pc
Petameter Pm
Picometer pm
Pole rd
Rod rd
Terameter Tm
Result :

Most popular convertion pairs of distance and length conversion